Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Counting down the days! The UPS man arrived with 6 big boxes of MYC supplies that I ordered only last FRIDAY, the 14th! I was stunned. I'm always excited to get the shiny new books in their plastic wrappers, and the new bags, thinking of the new students coming in 2 weeks to begin the new year. Every year is a little different, and this morning I heard on a webinar of an MYC teacher who is teaching 19 classes this year! Again, my jaw dropped open with amazement, as to how on earth she can do that. I only have 5, hopefully 6, but also 21 private students in addition. I suppose she must teach on Saturdays as well as all through the week, and evenings. I think I'm maxed out. Too busy a schedule with no down time makes Lori a less than optimal teacher.

I would still love some Sunrise kids - that's the 3 - 5 yr olds. That class is a blast! No piano yet, but everything leading up to it. So many songs from my childhood, which do, sometimes, run through my head non-stop. One example: He's a little white duck, sitting in the water, a little white duck, doing what he oughter.....or Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, please shine down on me....etc. One student from last year said that the sibling of a Sunrise student would NOT settle down to anything in the car except that CD. I wonder if they're still listening to it!

Anyway, I have to go organize it all. Time's a wasting!

Until later,

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