Sunday, August 09, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Today is Michelle's grad party, and it's going to be in the 90s and high humidity. Guess I have an excuse to turn on the A/C. IT really better for the pianos anyway. The humidity is terrible for them; rather, the CHANGE in humidity. Dry shrinks the wood holding the pins and makes them go out of tune badly. Humid I suppose would hold the pins, but the wood actually feels sticky. I have noticed the ceiling fan changing the sound of the notes, as the sound waves are broken up. Another thing I need to do is find out a good product to clean the old piano keys, which may or may not by ivory. The finish is practically gone, so dirt and dust sticks to them like glue. Even a damp towel comes off black, and that's with weekly cleaning! I've started even asking the students to wash their hands before lessons. Boys especially have often just come in from playing outside. A little sweat mixed with the dirt, and we have little muddy fingerprints! I know - I raised 3 boys, and every wall, light switch and cupboard door shows it! Only paint will help now!

Anyway, this was a really boring post, I know, but the "big" news now is that I figured out how to change the settings so anyone can comment, as long as they can copy those funny little words in the box. I read that those are actually helping translate old literature into computer databases. Next time you're annoyed by them, try to remember the good you're doing!

Off to make the cheese dip for the party. (BTW, if you didn't know, Michelle is another "daughter" - my youngest son Jordan's girlfriend)

Until, later,

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