Wednesday, October 26, 2011

From MYC founder Frances Balodis
"When we’re teaching we sometimes expect students to practice in one time period…and they find this challenging. Our own daughter practiced in short bursts of time, and it worked for her. This used to frustrate me, but now I understand! One does these things when one can!

In MYC some children practice every time they “see” the piano, other children are more methodical and practice at a scheduled time. Parents and children (and teachers) can work this out together. What works for one household, may not work for another. What works for one learning style, may not work for another. What works for one age and stage may not work for another. Everybody finds their own system!"

I find I work better this way, at EVERYTHING, mostly because I'm scattered in the many areas of my life needing attention. I do a little here, and then run to take something there, and while I'm there I see something I forgot to do yesterday, so I do a little of that, until another "fire" ne

eds attending to. I don't WANT my life to be like that, but it is. Our students go from subject to subject in school, and then activity to activity after school, then homework, family activities, get the picture. (Side rant: when to kids just get to be KIDS? to be taken another day) What Frances has said is wise - what works for you and your student may not work at all for someone else. I think a regular daily time of at least 20 min would be best so as to develop the HABIT of including practicing, though, since by now we've all probably learned that you can't make up for 6 days of no practice with one 90 min cram session the night before class or lesson. At least not every week! (OK, I'll be honest, sometimes you CAN fool the teacher with one cram session!) Best to have a longer, more focused practice time soon after class or lesson, while the info is fresh in your mind, and then get smaller chunks to reinforce throughout the week, and then another longer session before class. I saw the poster shown above today, and it spoke to me, Hope it speaks to you too!


Friday, October 21, 2011

Written by Austen Grace Dellinger (see bottom of page)

I see black marks on my sheet
Meaningless to the untrained eye
Do I see scribbles
Or do I see something that could rise above Vivaldi, Handel, Bach?
My music is a battlefield
Pianissimo is the sly, the shrewd
Who looks ahead and debates what to do next
Fortissimo leaps before he looks - Bam!
I unveil my music with each note I play
I find a new meaning, a word to describe
To define the genius
The refinedness of the notes I play
Like poets
Beautiful words roll off their tongues
Like music off my fingers
I look into my music
I feel inspiration, pride, sadness, and mortification
Because my music is a battlefield
This poem was written by a child who is now ten years old. She wrote it when she was NINE!

Read more:

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

BTW, if anyone knows how to actually put the link to the page (other than the url underlined) I'd LOVE to know how - help?

Monday, October 17, 2011
Does singing to your baby really work?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Happy First Day of Autumn! (no matter how rainy or cold!)
OK, that last part was for ME, since it's easy for me to get blue without sunny and warm weather. OK, at least sunny. I seem to need more and more Vit D every year I get older.
MYC classes and lessons are going well, as we all learn the routine, or re-learn it. Web site is working, and schedule intact. The pianos were tuned yesterday, and sound great! Replaced the old amp for the black Yamaha keyboard with one specifically made for keyboards (not guitars or bass) and IT sounds great too! Wedding in 2 weeks, plans in the works for the rehearsal dinner I'm "catering". Things are good.

I ran across this poem this morning:

Heather's song

This is a special love song

For all the young people in the world,

Here's hoping someone kind

Watches over each and every one,

Because in every young face,

No matter how angry or sad,

Lies the blossom of a pure heart,

Not evil wrong or bad.

So if you have a young child,

Be gentle wise and kind,

And treat them like an orchid,

So rare and hard to find,

Your love will be like water

To all the seeds you sow.

For they are the fairest flowers

In life's garden where they grow.

And if you know the old folks,

Be gentle wise and kind,

Their souls will soon depart us,

And leave this world behind,

They've given us the future,

They taught us what they know,

To soon become a part of

God's kingdom where they go.

This is a special love song

For all the people in the world.

Rory Block

Thursday, September 08, 2011

No classes the week of 9/5 - 9/9......last gasp of summer vacation trip for us. Resume 9/12/11.

See you then!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Countdown to classes and lessons! 4 days to go! I think I'm ALMOST ready! Time to give the studio a good scrubbing...cleaned out the drawers and cupboards, have to wash windows yet, entryway, set-up keyboards for the class year, (not summer mode) double-check materials, etc etc, etc! I'm getting excited! Hope you are too!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

August 10, 2011

Happy summer's-end....or at least what feels like it. It's been a HOT one here in north-eastern Ohio and many places in the United States generally, so many will welcome cooler weather with open arms. Might be jeans weather soon!

I have been enjoying being a lady of leisure, and once again, didn't accomplish even HALF of what I thought I wanted, but I feel rested, got some exercise and read some wonderful books, and some really dumb ones too. The addition of a Kindle to my life has made reading a whole different experience. (Many thanks to Bob and Suzy for that terrific gift!)

2011 was a year of momentous occasions, with both my parents turning 70, and celebrating their 50th aniversary. My hubby Paul is turning 60, and shortly after the turn of 2012 I will have one that ends in 0 as well. Since I've been saying that I'm thirty-nineteen, you can do the math yourself. Jordan was the last birdie to leave the nest, in preparation for his wedding in October, and literally the day after he moved, we were interviewed for an article about empty nesters that appeared in Ohio Magazine! Good thing we already had 6 mos alone a few years ago, and his schedule was such that sometimes days went by without us seeing him at all. Well, we assume it was him....SOMEONE was living in our basement, since we saw signs of him in the bathroom, etc. For all intents and purposes, we had an empty nest for quite a while. (more on that another time - and the link to the article is

Scheduling is going fairly well, although I am having trouble getting in touch with some students to find a slot for them. If you ARE one of the above-mentioned, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE call or email me ASAP, or else you may not get a spot you like. Anyone new who is reading this and thinking about enrolling your child in Music For Young Children classes with me, please contact me. If this is foreign to you, check out for more information.

So, enjoy the rest of your accelerating summer. VIVACE!

Musically yours,


Monday, August 01, 2011

Scheduling fall lessons and classes now! Call or email to reserve your spot!
More to come -

Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer 2011

I guess it's time to get this blog going again! It's been neglected for such a long time. I don't know if anyone reads it, but on the off-chance they do, I'll begin again. I have recovered from the LONG spring illness although, even 6 weeks later, still can relapse if I'm not careful and don't rest in between the activities that summer brings.

Summer lessons will begin again next week, June 29 on Wednesdays. Call or email me to schedule a time. Time slots are going fast. I have skype and for some more advanced students, can do a lesson via webcam if necessary. It's not optimum, but better than nothing! Often it helps keep motivation for practicing up if we can check in via skype once in a while if you can't get here.

I will have one week in July and at least one in August that I'll be gone. Fall classes will begin Sept 12.

Hope to see you all soon!

Musically yours,

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

FEB 2, 2011