Monday, August 03, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

I've neglected writing for a while due to a wild and crazy anniversary weekend. It was fun fun fun, and we celebrated our 26th on July 30. Hard to believe it's gone by that fast. The summer has a mere 3 weeks left to enjoy, but also to schedule students, organize lesson plans, order materials, and generally get my act together! I don't know what the best way to get the word out, but I did get some new brochures today, and the new business cards are ordered and on their way. After 5 full years of teaching MYC, I finally get the letters MYCC after my name. Ok, it isn't PhD, but it's an accomplishment nonetheless. I've taught over 100 MYC students, and have the pin to prove it.

I've enjoyed the summer vacation, as I always do, even though I taught 8 or 9 students throughout, but I have to say I'm looking forward to starting a new year. Each year brings new challenges but new rewards. I've decided not to raise my rates this year, even though EVERYTHING around me is going up up up. I try to think of it as a gift for the students and their parents, for the investment they're making in the future. Still, next year I think I'll have to......

One perk was a lovely gift card to Trader Joe's (a cool organic grocery store) and another gift card to itunes, where I downloaded LangLang playing both Rachmaninov's Paganini Variations and Concerto #2, with a few preludes thrown in. They are SO good that listening to it while picking blueberries this morning, I picked 3 buckets - almost 15 lbs! I kind of got lost in the music and the beautiful fruit, the sunshine and peacefulness of it all. Rachmaninov goes well with almost anything, if you ask me! Here's a link to variation 18 of the Paganini, played by Lang Lang.

He is really something to watch if you haven't already seen him. Here's a short excerpt from the Concerto #2, middle movement.

Youtube is a great place to get lost in musical performances. Time to get back to work!

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