Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I just wanted to write quickly today and tell you about a few great sites. One is www.myc.com and within that site is my personal teacher page www.myc.com/teacher/LScheutzow. It has the current upcoming schedule and other info about the coming year. I hope to get another website up that can accomodate video and audio and put the recital videos on it. I have at least 2 years recorded digitally, so they could be uploaded easily. Well, easily for someone who really knows what they're doing. I have enough knowledge to be dangerous in the realm of computers. It all takes time to learn. Time which I am running out of.

Another site for musicians is a great music dictionary at www.music.vt.edu/musicdictionary. I use it regularly. Best of all, it has pronunciations of the words, which helps those of us NOT fluent in Italian!

For sheet music, you can go to www.primamusic.com. They have the same shipping rate no matter how many things you order, so it makes sense to wait until you have a big order, or better yet, tell me what you want and I'll add it to mine.

That's all for now. I have lesson planning to do!!

Until later,

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