Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009

Almost AUGUST! Time to get serious about all the summer projects and plans that have slipped through my fingers up until now. (The most pressing being fall scheduling with contacting EVERYONE, both MYC classes and private students.) This is the least favorite part of my year, since it rarely falls into place smoothly. It is, however, all part of the job, and I will stop living in denial, since once Aug 1 comes, it's a downhill slide, gathering speed as it goes!

We happened upon a music festival in the Cleveland Metroparks Frostville Museum yesterday and heard some very talented musicians, the best of which you can see here Sally Williams and Mark Minnich are BG students studying the violin. They were amazing to hear and watch. This partiular day they played in a little restored church where the acoustics were wonderful. The audience couldn't have been more than 20 people! We actually came back for the 2nd show later that evening! Oh, to be that young and that talented. They will go far! Expect to see (and hear) more from them in the future.

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