Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

Last Friday of September. A true sign of the end of summer. Leaves starting to turn, chilly nights, change is in the air. The Halloween decorations are starting to go up, and I have to admit, it's not my favorite holiday. It signals an "accelerando" of time into Thanksgiving and Christmas, and that can only mean "GET BUSY!" Time for loafing is over. Boo-hoo. I had such a nice summer. Oh well, I do love that we have 4 seasons here in Ohio, and those frigid days make us appreciate the warmth of the sun, and walking around barefoot, even outside. I'm not sure I would like 100+ in Arizona in the summer any better. Humans are so fickle and love to complain, don't we?

The Chopin is coming along, and playing a freshl tuned piano is such a joy. I wish I could afford to have him come once a month. It's already starting to slip a little, and it's only been 4 days!! If you are reading this and wondering when to tune yours, wait a little until the house is closed up and the heat on. Just a little "note" from my tuner, Phil Gibson, who is the BEST around, and if you need his number, call or email me and I'll give it to you. My addy is and phone is 440-235-8743. Stalkers need not apply.

Have a great day! Get out and enjoy the last of what I hope is many warm days.


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