Thursday, October 01, 2009

October 1, 2009

It's not the first day of fall, but it feels that way. Today was in the 40s in the morning, and even only 55 mid-day. I can't believe we had to turn on the heat already. It will wreak havoc on the newly tuned pianos. If I'd only waited a few weeks. Oh well. Such is the life of an MYC teacher whose classes start in late August/early September, and need the pianos - all 6 of them - 4 electronic and perfectly tuned to sound right with the 2 acoustic. One is so old that it only really holds a good tune about a week. At least the way I like it. Only one student I have can really tell the difference, and it's her perfect pitch that makes it that way. She's amazing.

Anyway, I promised that I'd post the url for the music dictionary again. Here it is:

I hope you bookmark it, and refer to it often, at least if you're a student, or parent of a student. Another good site is a TV show on public television that is fantastic! ANYONE will love these young people performing, and host Christopher O'Reilly's rapport with them.

Got to go plan lessons for the last day of the week! YEA, Friday!


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