Friday, February 24, 2012

Tools of my trade- Yes, folks, the compositions are finished and off to the post office for their journey to Canada! Good luck to all of you! I think each and every one of them are TERRIFIC, whether or not they place in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Honorable Mention, or no rating at all. You are ALL winners just for submitting one, and I'm very proud of the hard-working students AND helpers who made them all happen. When we hear about Mozart composing at age 4, we're not nearly as impressed as BEFORE we've seen what nice work OUR 4 yr olds can do! Most of the current batch are 6 - 12, but for a few of them, it's their 3rd and 4th year submitting. Keep writing, kiddos, you have awesome ideas!

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