Wednesday, August 10, 2011

August 10, 2011

Happy summer's-end....or at least what feels like it. It's been a HOT one here in north-eastern Ohio and many places in the United States generally, so many will welcome cooler weather with open arms. Might be jeans weather soon!

I have been enjoying being a lady of leisure, and once again, didn't accomplish even HALF of what I thought I wanted, but I feel rested, got some exercise and read some wonderful books, and some really dumb ones too. The addition of a Kindle to my life has made reading a whole different experience. (Many thanks to Bob and Suzy for that terrific gift!)

2011 was a year of momentous occasions, with both my parents turning 70, and celebrating their 50th aniversary. My hubby Paul is turning 60, and shortly after the turn of 2012 I will have one that ends in 0 as well. Since I've been saying that I'm thirty-nineteen, you can do the math yourself. Jordan was the last birdie to leave the nest, in preparation for his wedding in October, and literally the day after he moved, we were interviewed for an article about empty nesters that appeared in Ohio Magazine! Good thing we already had 6 mos alone a few years ago, and his schedule was such that sometimes days went by without us seeing him at all. Well, we assume it was him....SOMEONE was living in our basement, since we saw signs of him in the bathroom, etc. For all intents and purposes, we had an empty nest for quite a while. (more on that another time - and the link to the article is

Scheduling is going fairly well, although I am having trouble getting in touch with some students to find a slot for them. If you ARE one of the above-mentioned, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE call or email me ASAP, or else you may not get a spot you like. Anyone new who is reading this and thinking about enrolling your child in Music For Young Children classes with me, please contact me. If this is foreign to you, check out for more information.

So, enjoy the rest of your accelerating summer. VIVACE!

Musically yours,


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