Saturday, August 08, 2009

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Summer's accelerating even more than a week ago. How is this possible? In January, time slows down it seems, with no real holidays to look forward to until Easter. In my world, January is composition time, where we really get serious about the students' compositions, juggling that with the regular curriculum. I'm hoping to have something special this year to motivate kids to practice more than the usual, but I won't say what it is here and spoil the surprise. I'm just trying to get everyone scheduled and happy with their time slot, which is next to impossible. One mom said this week for one scheduling change I had to make that I had succeeded in making everyone unhappy about it, so at least it was fair! :-) Oh well. It was the only way to accomodate everyone. This is the least favorite part of my job. Once it's done I will have the fun part of actually meeting everyone and starting in on the year's work.

Just for fun and giggles, here's a performance of a harmonica player at Carnegie Hall. I know, it sounds like I made an error, but check it out:
It's a lot of fun, and obviously the audience enjoyed it! Hope you do too. Enjoy your weekend!

Until later,

1 comment:

Kathy Clark said...

Just goes to show anyone can play at Carnagie Hall! I liked it. Thought it was cute.

Like your blog too.