In MYC some children practice every time they “see” the piano, other children are more methodical and practice at a scheduled time. Parents and children (and teachers) can work this out together. What works for one household, may not work for another. What works for one learning style, may not work for another. What works for one age and stage may not work for another. Everybody finds their own system!"
I find I work better this way, at EVERYTHING, mostly because I'm scattered in the many areas of my life needing attention. I do a little here, and then run to take something there, and while I'm there I see something I forgot to do yesterday, so I do a little of that, until another "fire" ne
eds attending to. I don't WANT my life to be like that, but it is. Our students go from subject to subject in school, and then activity to activity after school, then homework, family activities, get the picture. (Side rant: when to kids just get to be KIDS? to be taken another day) What Frances has said is wise - what works for you and your student may not work at all for someone else. I think a regular daily time of at least 20 min would be best so as to develop the HABIT of including practicing, though, since by now we've all probably learned that you can't make up for 6 days of no practice with one 90 min cram session the night before class or lesson. At least not every week! (OK, I'll be honest, sometimes you CAN fool the teacher with one cram session!) Best to have a longer, more focused practice time soon after class or lesson, while the info is fresh in your mind, and then get smaller chunks to reinforce throughout the week, and then another longer session before class. I saw the poster shown above today, and it spoke to me, Hope it speaks to you too!